Our not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) organization runs in part as a cooperative. Members are actively engaged in Sholem’s management and operations. We have an active board of directors and a committee structure made up of volunteers.
Our paid staff consists of a school principal and our school personnel. We are affiliated with the Congress of Secular Jewish Organizations.
Sholem’s Leadership 2022-2023
Board of Directors
- Sheila McCoy, President
- Laurence Braude, Vice President
- Brian Reiff, Treasurer
- Hugo Furth, Recording Secretary
- Jan Goodman
- Janis Pizer
- Dan Savage
- Nadine Gomes
- Regan Kibbee | regan@sholem.org | cell 310-399-2259 | landline 310-822-4499
- Dan Savage | daniel.savage@ca.rr.com | cell 310-251-5008 | landline 310-821-1908
We function only as well as our committees. All committees are always in search of fresh ideas and energy. Volunteers are needed at all levels from idea generation through execution. Please get involved!
Sholem relies heavily on the kindness of members. You may get involved in several ways. One is by joining a committee. Another is to take on discrete tasks.
Below is a list of standing committees followed by a list of tasks. If you can participate at any level, please email us at info@sholem.org.
Committee |
Description |
Adult Activities: Politics & Culture | Plans activities for Sholem adults and members of the larger community. These may include lectures, forums, film screenings, book signings, social gatherings and more. |
Adult Activities: Parent Programming | Plans activities for Sholem parents. These include programming specifically designed for parents of children under 18, addressing issues such as education and parenting. |
Bar/Bas Mitsve | Assists families going through the Sholem Bar/Bas Mitsve program |
Community Holidays: Kol Nidre | Organize and produce Sholem’s Kol Nidre celebration and other holiday celebrations as needed. |
Community Holidays: New Year Festivals | organize and produce Sholem’s observance of the New Year Festivals (Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur) and other holiday celebrations as needed. |
Community Holidays: Hannukah | organize and produce Sholem’s Hannukah celebration and other holiday celebrations as needed. |
Community Holidays: Passover Seder | organize and produce Sholem’s secular Passover seder and other holiday celebrations as needed. |
Community Holidays: Mother’s Day | organize and produce Sholem’s annual Mother’s Day brunch; and other holiday celebrations as needed. |
Khevre/Fellowship | Assists community members in times of need. |
Finance | Develops fiscal policies and an annual budget; keeps the books; informs the community about Sholem’s financial condition. |
Fundraising | Seeks sources of supplemental funding, by grant writing, staging fundraising events, selling merchandise, etc. |
Membership | Prepares and maintains registration, tuition, dues materials, and the roster. |
Outreach: Marketing | Responsible for publicity, advertising, and press relations. |
Outreach: Social Media | Responsible for social media. |
School | Coordinates teacher recruitment, hiring, and evaluation; assists the school principal with administrative tasks; and helps with curriculum development. |
Social Action | Organizes activities to influence the wider community and educate ourselves about issues consistent with Sholem’s progressive, ethical values. |
Website/I.T. | Maintains and enhances Sholem’s website. Assists with email lists, social media, and various digital needs for other committees as necessary. |
Short Term
- Plan and attend annual staff retreat with school director and school committee
- Assist in producing annual fundraiser
- Publicize and plan fundraising events
- Organize greetings, events and activities for new and returning school families
- Help plan and run the annual community model seder
- Help plan and run the holiday sale
- Craft and email press releases
- Coordinate parents to post information about Sholem programs on parenting listservs
- Create a learning module for staff training and speak at staff meetings
- Organize and lead orientations to Sholem
- Arrange Shabes dinners
- Work on and lead a musical interactive Shabes event
- Call and greet new families
Thank you for supporting Sholem!