Sholem’s bar/bas mitsve fee is $3,000 [1]. This does not include an additional $1035 for the advisor(s). That fee is billed by Sholem and is payable to Sholem.
Please note: An annual credit of $600 will be applied for each year the student has been enrolled in the school, providing the family has satisfied its financial obligations. Thus, the longer a student attends the school, the less the bar/bas mitsve fee will be. So, for example, students who have attended the Sholem school for two years (the minimum required for bar/bas mitsve eligibility) will pay $1,800. The table below provides the fee due given the number of years enrolled in school.
Years Enrolled | Credit | Fee Due |
5 | $3,000 | $0 |
4 | $2,400 | $600 |
3 | $1,800 | $1,200 |
2 | $1,200 | $1,800 |
Credits in the form of tuition reductions will be applied after the bar/bas mitsve year. Students enrolled and in good standing in the Sholem school for a total of six years will pay no fees.
The bar/bas mitsve fee is due and payable by October 1st of the school year in which the bar/bas mitsve is celebrated. As with Sholem tuition and membership fees, allowances and arrangements will be made for those who require financial assistance. Families should apply for financial assistance at the time of membership. If you have any questions, please email membership@sholem.org.
[1] In July 2021, the Sholem Community reduced the fee structure for our Bar/Bas Mitszve program. Families whose dues are current as of the end of the 2021-2022 school year and onward, participating students that have been enrolled in the Sholem school for 5 years or more will not owe a bar/bas mitzve fee, but will only be charged the advisor fee of $1,300.