All are welcome for the 3rd meet up of Sholem’s 2021-2022 school year: Sukkot-themed classes outdoors at Stoneview Nature Center in Culver City. REMEMBER to bring your own water, snack, sunhat/block, and face mask.
Stoneview Nature Center
5950 Stoneview Dr.
Culver City, CA 90232
General: (310) 202-3002
Sholem’s secular Sunday school engages kids (ages 4-17) in an exploration of Jewish identity rooted in Jewish cultural literacy and traditions of social justice. The school meets most Sundays, September through May, and offers rolling admission. For more info, CLICK HERE. During these first weeks of September, prospective families are invited to have their child try out a class for free. RSVP to ross@sholem.org so we know to expect you.
Next week, the school returns to our regular schedule, meeting online unless noted otherwise:
ALEF/BEYS (preK-2nd) – 10:15-11:45am
Outdoors at Well Baby Center
12316 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90066
GIML (3rd/4th) 10am-11:30am
DALED (5th/6th) 11am-12:30pm
HEY (7th/8th) 11am-12:30pm
VOV (9th-12th) 12:15-1:45pm
Enrollment is open! Questions about Sholem’s school? Email ross@sholem.org.