Sholem’s secular Sunday school engages kids (ages 4-17) in an exploration of Jewish identity rooted in Jewish cultural literacy and traditions of social justice. This day, our ALEF/BEYS class (preK-2nd grade) meets outdoors at Well Baby Center in Mar Vista; the rest of the classes will meet via Zoom.
During these first weeks of September, prospective families are invited to have their child try out a class for free. RSVP to ross@sholem.org so we know to expect you.
Sholem’s Sunday school is currently meeting ONLINE unless noted otherwise:
ALEF/BEYS (preK-2nd) – 10:15-11:45am
Outdoors at Well Baby Center
12316 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90066
GIML (3rd/4th) 10am-11:30am
DALED (5th/6th) 11am-12:30pm
HEY (7th/8th) 11am-12:30pm
VOV (9th-12th) 12:15-1:45pm
The school meets most Sundays, September through May, and offers rolling admission. For more info, CLICK HERE.
Enrollment is open! If you have questions about Sholem’s school, email ross@sholem.org.