All are invited for the Ba’ Mitsve Ceremony*
of Sarah Elenore Curley
Sarah will present
Torah-fying Tales:
Jewish Horror on the Silver Screen
Saturday, June 4, 2022
4:00 p.m. In Person
The Shay Hotel
8801 Washington Blvd
Culver City, CA 90232
RSVP to debmag@gmail.com by Thursday 6/2 for In Person
4:30 p.m. (PDT) Zoom
Meeting ID: 568 184 1552
Passcode: 9SrMJg
No RSVP necessary for Online.
Sholem’s secular Bar/Bas Mitsve observances meet the needs of families who honor their heritage and define their Jewish identity as cultural, historical, or ethnic, rather than religious. Students in our Sunday School choose a topic for in-depth research or for significant thought. The choices reflect the individual’s areas of interest…those aspects of Jewish heritage and identity that are most meaningful at this point in the young person’s life. For more info about our program, click here.