All are invited for our community’s next Bar Mitsve ceremony, which will take place via Zoom.
Isaiah Edward Griffin‘s Bar Mitsvepresents
“The Virtual Reality of Jewish Community”
“The Virtual Reality of Jewish Community”
Saturday, Dec. 4, 2021
4:00 p.m. (PDT)
RSVP to sabrinajoanna@yahoo.com
to receive the Zoom link
About Sholem’s secular observance…
The bar/bas mitsve candidate chooses a topic for in-depth research and/or significant thought. Then, working with their advisor, the student prepares an approximately 20-minute presentation on this topic and how it reflects the aspects of Jewish heritage and identity that are most meaningful to them at this point in their life. To learn more about Sholem’s secular bar/bas mitsve observances, click here.
The bar/bas mitsve candidate chooses a topic for in-depth research and/or significant thought. Then, working with their advisor, the student prepares an approximately 20-minute presentation on this topic and how it reflects the aspects of Jewish heritage and identity that are most meaningful to them at this point in their life. To learn more about Sholem’s secular bar/bas mitsve observances, click here.