Preparing and presenting a bar/bas mitsve project can be fun — or it can be very stressful. The following schedule will help to keep the fun high and the stress low. REMEMBER: Your presentation will be much more than the usual school “report.” In fact, it will be more like a college-level project. And you can do it —with the help of your vegvayzer/mentor (and your parents, too). Help is available every step of the way — whenever you need help, ask for it!
Everything listed below to be “submitted” means in written form(including your name and celebration date).
At each stage, your vegvayzer/mentor will discuss possible ways to improve your work…perhaps to point your research or thinking in a slightly different or broader direction…or challenge you to back-up facts and ideas.
- 4 months before the celebration date: Topic chosen and submitted: What you wish to explore; why it relates to the Jewish part of your identity; how you plan to do research (books, interviews, travel, etc.)
- 3 months before the celebration date: Outline submitted: All the facts/ideas you plan to cover; things you’re still working on;how you plan to make your presentation (your choice — writing/reading an essay…making/showing a video…PowerPoint with explanations…no visuals…writing/reading a story or play…any other unusual form of presentation).
- 2 months before the celebration date: FIRST DRAFT submitted: Your presentation in full. Your vegvayzer/mentor will review it and make suggestions for improvement. Be prepared: you may have to re-organize it…re-write one or more sections…add new material (or drop some parts), etc.
- 1 month before the celebration date: FINAL draft submitted: Your presentation, completed, in full. Minorchanges might still be made if absolutely necessary.
- 3 weeks before the celebration date: Adjunctive materials submitted (e.g. PowerPoint slides…videos…any other graphic materials…music.)
- 1-2 weeks before the celebration date: A minimum of two rehearsals with the vegvayzer/mentor and your co-celebrant(s).